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jonven 仲子 250cc級騎士 (普通重型)

註冊時間: 2005-04-01 文章: 461 居住地: 高雄
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 8:29 am 文章主題: 摳A路好像掛了 |
歐吉桑朋友的R1150RT 04款的摳A路好像掛了,聽他說騎到一半會中途熄火,看看車友有沒有人可有解決方法或是否有中古哪裡有得買。朋友是歐吉桑級不擅長電腦網路,身為晚輩義務代PO
代感謝 _________________ 台灣有兩黑,教育黑司法更黑,我正在嘿嘿嘿 |
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sc367558 zrx1200-s 重 車 太 子

註冊時間: 2005-09-18 文章: 3851 居住地: 苗栗--遊遊野野家族(小潘)
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 8:34 am 文章主題: |
考爾左右分開.不大可能一次同時掛2顆?還是請專業的檢修一下.. _________________ 苗區 遊遊野野家族 |
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無 極 領 域

註冊時間: 2007-11-15 文章: 11427
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 8:52 am 文章主題: Re: 摳A路好像掛了 |
熱車之下,怠速的轉速是多少 ?
每缸幾個火星塞 ? _________________ 人族當有超越一切的東西 若有悖 法律改 民族讓 國家低頭 |
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jonven 仲子 250cc級騎士 (普通重型)

註冊時間: 2005-04-01 文章: 461 居住地: 高雄
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 10:53 am 文章主題: |
熱車之下,怠速的轉速是多少 ?
每缸幾個火星塞 ?
每缸2顆 兩缸共4顆 聽說 _________________ 台灣有兩黑,教育黑司法更黑,我正在嘿嘿嘿 |
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重 車 車 神

註冊時間: 2005-03-17 文章: 2013
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 6:32 pm 文章主題: |
一隻4500 (網拍有)
然後~我單換壞的那一隻,車子還是不順~ 一定要兩隻都換才正常了 (下方那兩隻是傳統高壓線圈,不用換"但~如果是壞那顆...還是要換~~全車共三顆高壓線圈兩顆筆型 一顆傳統1對2)
火星塞順便拆下檢查清潔,左側車殼拆裝要小心(塑膠久了比較脆,排氣管頭下方那鎖點要小心,真不小心"啪"一聲也不用緊張,玻纖+Cyberbond Apollo 2241就能處理) |
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jerelychou 歐爸陛下 重車玩家級

註冊時間: 2011-12-02 文章: 1512 居住地: Taipei
發表於: 星期四 九月 20, 2012 8:43 pm 文章主題: |
有測試過跳電是否正常嗎? _________________ 騎小鳥的霹靂貓~ |
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無 極 領 域

註冊時間: 2007-11-15 文章: 11427
發表於: 星期五 九月 21, 2012 5:13 am 文章主題: |
open fire指斷路點火,例如把火星塞接頭拔起來(火星塞還在車上)發動引擎,也是未接地的迴路
Primary 初級線圈 0.87 ohm
Secondary次級線圈 not measurable 1 KOHM(new)
用噴水方式檢查方式點火,How To Check For Bad Spark Plug Wires
正確的火星塞跳火測試 使用工具
OK Spark 100072 Spark Plug Sensor Tester 。
[youtube:96cf2e1ac4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPeX_OQW120 [/youtube:96cf2e1ac4]
錯誤不正確的或者一般(不適用BMW)的檢查方式,直接幹掉BMW零件,還有例如 HALL SENSOR 及Motronic~CLYMER書:Page 381第7.說的
改裝Coil 很醜就是了~Coil Sticks no more!
拔掉下面的plug wire,引擎就熄火,恭喜發財 ! 上面的Stick Coils壞了
by CycleRob » Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:42 pm
towerworker has the right procedure, but from the description, the wrong wire. I know why. Wayne, you need to turn off your beeper and company cellphone, knock off that overtime and get some rest! Even your icon and screen name are about work! 本段都是廢話
OK, the test . . . The bottom plugs use a single spark dual coil. One coil with 2 secondaries that fire both lower plugs every turn of the crankshaft. Pulling off a secondary plug wire could give you a really big 40,000 Volt shock!! Besides that, open firing it's dual coil forces the generated spark to make a new path and that can damage the coil. Also, when you pull off one secondary wire on the lower plug, the other lower plug may not fire either. The wire to pull off while the bike is running is the thin primary coil power wire on the upper plug's computer coil. If the idle deteriorates, you have the bad part.
FYI, Wayne is a good man & I consider him a friend. He's just overworked.
by jcridge » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:45 pm如下說
I would think that if you pulled the electrical connection off the stick coil while the engine was running and the idle got worse, it would indicate that the coil and plug were firing correctly. If you removed the electrical connection and nothing happened, that would indicate a bad coil and or plug. Ja...???也就是說~拔掉上面的Stick Coils引擎就惡化表示點火正常,反之如果拔掉上面的Stick Coils引擎正常就表示點火異常
To update, I did experience misfire at highway speed this morning in very heavy fog. Started about 20 miles into the trip and when I got off the highway it was fine. Seems like light throttle and moisture are the key here ( low voltage combined with lean稀A/F misfire) 看似因大霧的霧氣和低油門造成不點火,(低伏特和稀的空油比)
iowabeakster » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:46 pm
Yes, that is correct. On a very rare occasion, even Cyclerob can make a boo-boo. If the idle does NOT deteriorate惡化 when the primary is disconnected, then it was already not working. 是的,拔掉上面的Stick Coils引擎怠速沒有惡化,表示上面的Stick Coils已經沒有功能了
FYI, Cyclerob is wonderful resource of knowledge and experience. We are all very lucky to have him looking over our virtual shoulders. Maybe we can chalk that one up to being over-retired.
一般的檢查方式,不適用BMW,一般的汽機車維修高手(含重機),反而在檢查的時候,就直接幹掉BMW零件 !
我不懂,所以我謙卑(用功),因而得救,感謝主耶穌 ! _________________ 人族當有超越一切的東西 若有悖 法律改 民族讓 國家低頭 |
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