第一排寫FTE S2AB90039、
第二排寫0370 12057 038783 C3
第三排寫ABS-Ⅲ 00531 確定是Partially integral system(未啟動測試)
第四排寫LEAR HW:12/SW:08
The ABS II system consists of the ABS unit,or ABS pressure modulator,That controls the sensing and control functions of the entire system.The ABS unit receives information from the ABS sensor(B,Figure 1)located at each wheel.
The ABS unit,or pressure modulator,contains the two-channel pressure regulator, an electric motor and serveral microcomputers. This unit interprets解釋the signals from the wheel sensors and sends this information to the pressure modulators to control wheel lockup. When the master cylinder lever or pedal is applied, the hydraulic fluid exits引出the master cylinder, travels to and goes through the ABS unit’s pressure modulator and than travels to the caliper assembly for braking action.
All ABS II models are equipped with the Partially integral system. Applying the front brake lever automatically applies both the front and rear brakes. Applying the rear brake pedal applies only the rear brake.應該是~所有裝備I-ABS (不只是Ⅱ)的車種都有配備或可能選擇「Partially integral brakes」是可局部煞車的種類,ABS的功能控制來自「ABS unit」或「ABS pressure modulator」的組成,。
Warning CLYMER書P371
The ABS brake system must be bled(放血) with a power bleeder after the ABS brake unit is reinstalled.After installation,trailer拖車 the motorcycle to a BMW dealership to have the system bled.裝回ABS之後必須用動力工具放血(把油洩乾);從Integral ABS系統上有拆過(disconnected)油壓零件時最後還要用MoDiTec儀器(Diagnostic Meter編號61-1-510)測試~ page 617 WARNING;在chapter Fourteen有說,還有使用到Bleeder的地方 CLYMER page 616。CLYMER書P610~BRAKE BLEEDING(NON ABS AND ABS II MODELS) 。
Partially integral ABS是個失敗產品,BMW文化革命式的拋棄多年來的煞車經驗累積,選擇容易的方式,用電子系統取代硬件系統~先前的部件柱塞(活塞),摩擦式離合器,復位彈簧和電動馬達已經被電磁鐵取代(ABS 2:7 kg,Integral ABS:4.4 kg,即-20%重量),電磁鐵接管對制動壓力的調節,招致了如同2019年波音737 MAX停飛的不幸墜機事件,簡化零件之後,對於煞車油黏度改變、pilot小孔徑被沉積物變小、批量彈簧彈性不一致或老化後對動態追隨性的簡陋設計,此集體短命的因素造成根本就不能維修等問題,說維修後也有75%不能用~只得換新,FTE回信有說到“ with repaired modulators shows that nearly 75 % did not work proper!”這個夭壽設計,為了要防止鎖死的ABS伺服閥每秒數十次開關輸出液壓,例如Rexroth的比例閥每秒保持兩百次的震動是很平常的,只是ABS系統跟不跟得上而已。
我說Partially integral ABS是個失敗產品的理由還有一個,就是電子零件特別容易燒掉,尤其是裝在R1150R上的Partially integral ABS(台灣 新北市 中和區的維修店家小鄭先生也是這樣說的,裝在BMW的其他車種故障比例就很低),溫度~電子零件特別容易被高溫殺手燒掉,我確定的是騎R1150R的車手不要劇烈操控Partially integral ABS,我騎R1150R上下班都沒事,夏天跟年輕人高速狂奔就燒掉電子零件,這經驗說來話長,這個失敗產品的電子零件不行機構容易卡住也不行,可以說~“全身都是病”。
這Partially integral ABS我最多只能理解50%,根據網路對Partially integral ABS討論文章,世界上除了原廠,一般人理解80%就很難得了,網路文章我看也差不多是50%,大家連系統怎麼運作,裡面的機構元件怎麼稱呼的及其功能都沒有人可以解釋,例如名稱美國網友說relief valve或metering cylinder =可計量油缸都是指向同一個元件Dosierzylinde = Dosier zylinde,所有文章幾乎都是瞎子摸象,只能解釋某一點的理解。
Partially integral ABS 的故障原因有兩個,如下
第一個:停車環境太潮濕 第二個:我超過五年沒有騎也沒有換煞車油,這兩個是大家都知道的廢話 !
為什麼這兩個原因會幹掉Partially integral ABS
說ABS壓力調節閥/開關,網址如下~各位先看看,看出甚麼嗎 ??
These are your 2 pressure relief valves(我比較愛用原文relief valves稱呼),4.msg177.html#msg177
我要強調的是「Integral ABS」不能切換,fully integrated不能切換成Partially integral brakes,Partially integral brakes不能切換成fully integrated ! 這是目前BMW機車的例子,裝配在BMW機車R1150RT的系統可以用fully integrated也以用Partially integral brakes,看你當初是怎麼買選配的。
SPEED BLEEDER少了SPEED BLEEDER Thread Sealant就是廢物如下,像我 一次就必須買兩罐~如上
由於經常要排煞車油必須旋轉SPEED BLEEDER,或是把SPEED BLEEDER拆下來給別的ABS用,有了這個才不會產生氣泡(排煞車油會一目了然),那就是 空氣會倒灌=倒吸空氣回去。
SPEED BLEEDER Thread Sealant的使用說明如下
不懂得用Thread Sealant的人一堆,美國傻B還因此抱怨 !
When I ordered the SB's and opted選擇 to get the long ones (SB7100) as had been suggested by KMG_365作者 for the ABS modulator (qty. 4)四個. I also ordered SB's for wheel calipers and clutch. Today I began bleeding. I started with the front wheel control circuit, and all went smoothly. The rear control circuit was another story. I began bleeding position "1" and got a lot of air. I went thru about 3 resevoirs full before I decided to go on to #2 & #3. Back at #1 again I still got air. I started looking for leaks, but the system looked dry as a bone. The only access to the system was the SB. I discovered several things.發現系統的空氣來自Speed Bleeder的問題並從Speed Bleeder漏出(在ABS modulator的front wheel control circuit處~開始換)~因而搞掉三個蓄槽的油量~注意!!太長的話會封不住~從牙處跑空氣進入煞車系統(這個我也發現了) 並從牙處漏油出來。